Thursday, March 21, 2013

Elaine's Amazing Thoughts~ Back Again

               It has been a while since I've written on my Blog, I was told not to apolize, but am anyway. :)
                I was ill for a long time and just getting back to it. A lot of things have changed, so this will be short.
                Hope I will get  new followers with some of the same interests. I sew, crochet and do crafts. my husband used to make a lot of wood items, more furniture type.
               I still have some fabric, but my daugther-in-law has taken over the shop and given it a new name.

               I'm still very new at this and if anybody has any suggestions I could use to help me improve,please let me know. I would like to follow other  Quilting & etc. on Blogs.

                                                                   Have a great week and thanks for reading my Blog,

                                                            Elaine~~ Smiles